Members of the Professorship in Science and Technology Studies come from a wide variety of academic backgrounds, and many of them have interdisciplinary backgrounds with experience in the natural sciences.

Prof. Dr. Veronika Lipphardt
PhD in History of Science, Humboldt University, Berlin
Dr. Nicholas Buchanan
PhD in History and Anthropology of Science and Technology, MIT
Dr. Mihai Surdu (visiting researcher)
PhD in Sociology, University of Bucharest

Lena Seidel, MA
MA in Interdisciplinary Anthropology, University of Freiburg

Sarah Fründt, MA
Magistra Artium, Tübingen / Bonn / St. Andrews
Diploma in Forensic Anthropology, University of Central Lancashire (UK)
Dr. Svenja Wiertz
PhD in Philosophy, University of Düsseldorf
B.A. in Asian Studies, University of Bonn
Silvia Stösser  (Sekretariat)
Research and Teaching Assistants
Former Staff