Welcome to our OLA Website! The OLA is not yet fully online, but will be replenished in 2021/22.
We address students and teachers who are interested in fields such as history of science, philosophy of science, science theory, science ethics, science (and technology) studies, science communication, science policy, or methodological and philosophical questions of their own discipline: in 2021, when OLA goes online, you will find relevant information on this page.
You can already find a list of courses for the Summer Semester 21 here.
The Open Learning Area for Science Reflection, Science Studies and Science Communication (OLA-SRSSC) is designed as an online platform. Once online, it will make visible the many courses and teaching projects in this topic area – offered by teachers from all kinds of disciplines at the University of Freiburg, but also in the EUCOR and EPICUR area.
In the EUCOR area (including universities in Strasbourg, Karlsruhe, Freiburg, Mulhouse, Basle) there is an amazing variety of researchers, teachers, projects, institutions, course offerings and events focussing on reflection or studies or communication of science and technology. Taken together, they would equal a large and thriving institute or department. But as this is unfeasible, we at least want to create visibility for this topic area, so that everyone interested can access information easily. It will take a while before the OLA works the way we want it to work, but we are confident that it will become an advanced search tool.
Our guiding thought is that these disciplines, often rather marginal in universities and departments, are not competing against each other for the rare attention of other scientists or the public. Rather, one can bring them together in a complementary and fruitful way without erasing the disciplinary identity of any of them. Together, these fields have important things to say about today’s science and technology in society.