Our current research projects reflect our interests in three broad areas:

  • population thinking and categorization in the life sciences, both in historical and in contemporary perspective;
  • contests over scientific credibility and expertise; and
  • science, technology, and the law.

And as our team expands, our research agenda continues to broaden.

Our most recent publications:

Nature 599, 368-371 (2021),Lipphardt/Surdu/Ellebrecht/Pfaffelhuber/Wienroth/Rappold: “Europe’s Roma people are vulnerable to poor practice in genetics“; https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-03416-3

Genes 12 (12): 1868: Wienroth / Granja / Lipphardt / Nsiah Amoako / McCartney (2021) Ethics as Lived Practice. Anticipatory Capacity and Ethical Decision-Making in Forensic Genetics

our work was covered in:

New York Times:  https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/17/science/genetics-ethics-roma.html 

Deutschlandfunk: Roma-DNA über Jahrzehnte missbraucht und falsch interpretiert

The Intercept: Journal Retracts Paper Based on DNA of Vulnerable Chinese Minorities

Most recent preprint publications (Nov 2020):

Current research – Prof. Dr. Veronika Lipphardt

Current Research – Dr. Mihai Surdu

  • Genetic studies on Roma, 1921-2021
  • Lipphardt, V., Surdu, M., Ellebrecht, N., Pfaffelhuber, P., Wienroth, M., Rappold G. A. (2021): Europe’s Roma people are vulnerable to poor practice in genetics.  In:  Nature  599.  https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03416-3

Current Research – Dr. Nicholas Buchanan

Dr. Nicholas Buchanan’s current research focuses on the tensions between genomic identity and genetic disease, as well as the negotiations over expertise between people with genetic conditions, caregivers, doctors, and scientists. A second, parallel, research project explores the relationship between environmental politics and environmental modeling.

Current Research – Sarah Fründt

Completed Projects

Prof. Dr. Veronika Lipphardt & Dr. Mihai Surdu